429. K-3 Ray
Blood Type:
Grey & White
Arthur, Avory and Ray are brothers who were orphaned when they were around 3 weeks old. When we found them, they were quite hangry and dehydrated, and infested with fleas and ear mites. They are very affectionate and energetic, and will need lots of attention and playtime.
We have treated them for ear mites four times. Their ears tend to get more waxy build up than usual, so we recommend checking with your vet at their next appointment to make sure their ears still look healthy.
All three kittens have congenital tail kinks. Radiographs are posted on Facebook at our TinyTapeworms page. This should not cause issues, but if you notice a kitten being sensitive about their tail being touched, please consult with your vet.
During their July vet exams, Dr. Ferguson noted innocent heart murmurs in Ray and Avory. At their August 10 pre-neuter exams, both murmurs had resolved. This is not uncommon in kittens.
All three did very well with their neuters.
You may notice the boys comfort-nursing on each other's genitalia. If you see this happening, we recommend separating and administering cuddles to the perpetrator to encourage him to stop. This behavior is common with orphaned kittens, and is not concerning in general. Vigorous nursing on genitalia can cause problems, which is why we recommend intervention if you see it happening. They have gotten much better about it as they have gotten older, so we are hopeful they will grow out of it.
If you have any questions or concerns at any time, please do not hesitate to contact us!
We have treated them for ear mites four times. Their ears tend to get more waxy build up than usual, so we recommend checking with your vet at their next appointment to make sure their ears still look healthy.
All three kittens have congenital tail kinks. Radiographs are posted on Facebook at our TinyTapeworms page. This should not cause issues, but if you notice a kitten being sensitive about their tail being touched, please consult with your vet.
During their July vet exams, Dr. Ferguson noted innocent heart murmurs in Ray and Avory. At their August 10 pre-neuter exams, both murmurs had resolved. This is not uncommon in kittens.
All three did very well with their neuters.
You may notice the boys comfort-nursing on each other's genitalia. If you see this happening, we recommend separating and administering cuddles to the perpetrator to encourage him to stop. This behavior is common with orphaned kittens, and is not concerning in general. Vigorous nursing on genitalia can cause problems, which is why we recommend intervention if you see it happening. They have gotten much better about it as they have gotten older, so we are hopeful they will grow out of it.
If you have any questions or concerns at any time, please do not hesitate to contact us!
Kinky tail - rads on TinyTapeworms

© copyright TinyKittens Society, tinykittens.com
TinyKittens Society is a non-profit society registered in British Columbia, Canada.
TinyKittens Society is a non-profit society registered in British Columbia, Canada.